Family Bush Walking Adventures


A few weeks ago, Jesse and I decided that we wanted to get the kids out in nature more often. Our aim is to get out of the city and into the Bush at least once on the weekends.

When I started searching walking trails I found it hard to decide whether they were appropriate for our littlest love who is only 2.5yo. I thought it might be nice to share our adventures here, in hope that it helps other young families to create their own memories at places appropriate for young children.

Today we ventured to the Hill Street walk trail which is part of the Kalaminda National Par. We absolutely loved it. The trail is located at the cauldisac end of Hill Street in Gooseberry Hill. There isn't a huge amount of street parking but when we visited there was not another car or soul in sight. In fact we didn't see another person all morning.


The trail is a 2.4km loop that is well sign posted with small blue flags nailed to trees. We found it very easy to navigate our way around and the kids coped well with the terrain. Our kids are 2, 4 and 6 years old for reference.

We found some beautiful Bush flowers and gorgeous views across a valley. The kids loved racing ahead and trying to spot the next blue flag.

Towards the very end of the trail we came across a fun swing, funny house and an little board walk. They added an extra element of fun for the babes and were a beautiful way to finish off the walk.

To finish the morning off beautifully, we stopped in to Kalamunda on the way home and grabbed lunch from a cute little cafe called Mason and Bird. Toasted sandwiches for the kids and shredded chicken salads for Jess and I.

Mason and Bird, Kalamunda.

Mason and Bird, Kalamunda.

We had a really beautiful morning and the kids are already asking to go back. In fact, Evie has decided that we should live in the Bush, leaves for pillows and all.

I hope this was helpful to someone! I would love to hear your family friendly recommendations of places that we can try next!


The Top 8 Ways We Use Essential Oils in Our Home

The Top 8 Ways We Use Essential Oils in Our Home

Essential Oils can feel intimidating if you haven’t had any experience with them but they needn’t be. I remember when I very first received my Young Living Premium Starter Kit and I had no idea where to start! Fast forward until now and we use them all around home. Here are a few of the ways that I love to use my Young Living Essential Oils around our home!

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My Birth Story - Lola Belle Hamer

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My Journey with Essential Oils

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Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a girl who was gifted a bottle of Lavender by her sister. She thanked her with a sweet smile but put it away in her draw and forgot about it. Fast forward a few months and the silly girl was suffering with a newborn, broken sleep and failing to fall into a deep sleep even when the baby was snoozing peacefully at night. What was she to do? Apparently complaining didn’t help but it did eventually lead to her sister asking her if she had been using the lavender. Well oopsie daisy, the thought hadn’t even crossed her mind! That night, she did as she was told and applied a drop to the soles of her feet. The girl was never without her Essential Oils again.

My Pregnancy Journey

My Pregnancy Journey

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